The ball moves down the ramp. It makes a swirling sound as it moves through the funnel. The dominoes tumble over each other in an orderly fashion. The last one pushes the car. The car spins through the scale. The pin rolls over... and BOOM!! The balloon pops. What causes this chain reaction? It's called a Rube Goldberg Machine, or in simpler words, a series of events that provoke something even bigger; like the example we just had, the ramp, the funnel, the dominoes,.. they all worked together to make the ballon pop. These series of events are called simple machines, which are several working manuevers (in this case 6) each assigned to complete a different simple task. The impact of one is not great, but together, they can cause an expolsion. Here are the six simple machines: Wheel/Axle: Used to carry around heavy mass with less effort Pulley: Uses wheel and rope to raise, move, raise, and lower a load Lever: A rod balanced on a fixed point that can move more wheight effor...
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